Ecuador Plays Again!

May 17, 2012  |  Uncategorized

Play Again (Jugar Otra Vez) recibió una calurosa acogida en Ecuador en abril, con proyecciones en Quito, Mindo y las Galápagos. Se nos dijo “Los jovenes en Quito puede ser tímido en grandes grupos como este, así que no esperes a hablar.” Bueno, algo debe haber cambiado ese día! Los jóvenes de Quito, lo que representa más de diez escuelas secundarias y universidades de varios en la Casa de la Cultura, fueron elocuentes, apasionada y muy vocal. Ellos saben que es a ellos a tomar medidas para proteger y conservar los parajes naturales únicos de Ecuador y de las especies y nos dio las gracias por proporcionar inspiración.  El evento de Quito fue organizado por Jess López, de Ecuador, y un increíble grupo de sus colegas que se llevará a juego nuevo de DVD a las escuelas secundarias de la zona.  English translation…

Play Again received a warm welcome throughout Ecuador in April, with screenings in Quito, Mindo and the Galapagos. We were told “Youth in Quito can be shy in large groups like this, so don’t expect them to speak out.”  Well, something must have changed that day!  The young people of Quito, representing more than ten high schools and several universities at the Casa de la Cultura, were articulate, passionate and very vocal.  They know it is up to them to take action to protect and conserve Ecuador’s unique natural areas and species and they thanked us for providing inspiration.  The Quito screening was organized by Jess Lopez, of Ecuador, and an amazing group of her colleagues who will be taking Play Again DVD’s and study guides to high schools in the area.

In the Galapagos, Play Again was shown at the JICA center on the island of Santa Cruz (followed by a school screening for educators at the Salon de Ciudad).  Organized by local musician Elena Albarado, the screening was well attended and followed by thoughtful discussion.  The environmental, social and economic issues of the Galapagos are as unique and complex as the place itself.  See more photos here.

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